March 1, 2010

Health Insurance Romance: A Tale of Woe

Have you ever had a health insurance debacle? In my line of work, the answer is almost always a resounding YES. (and I use the term "debacle" lightly)

As a lowly chemistry Ph.D. graduate student at one of the fine institutions within the University of California system, my expectations for health insurance are low. I do not expect the amazing. I do not expect the extraordinary. I do not even expect the occasional fortuitous surprise.

I do however, expect the people involved in various levels of the health care process to put forth the minimal effort necessary to complete their job requirements. Apparently, this is asking too much.

I dream of the day when I can go to the doctor, have them bill my insurance, and have the insurance company pay their percentage...and then have that be the end of the story.

Fortunately for you (and unfortunately for me and several others), that has never been the end to my story. I have been failed at every level of the health care system to the point that it has now become blogworthy. The ridiculous nature of what I have had to deal with (and most likely will continue to deal with) is mind boggling; I would not wish this upon anyone. I shall be sharing my own stories as well as those belonging to some of my coworkers. These escapades traverse multiple insurance companies, diseases, prescriptions, doctors, treatments, diagnoses, and prescriptions. Nothing proceeds as it should. Murphy's law applies strongly to each tale. These are tales of abusive romance with our health insurance; although we are repeatedly torn down, we have the need to keep crawling back.

Stay tuned for the frivolity yet to unfold...

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