October 18, 2011

Bonjour from France!

In front of the Teatro-Museo Dalí (Figueres, Spain)
June 25, 2011

Our last day or so in Barcelona was uneventful, since we were so busy relaxing. Barcelona is home to one Pablo Picasso, and there is a museum there just for him (Museu Picasso). We attempted to visit it, but it turns out that June 24th is a big holiday in Spain (the celebration of spring turning into summer, the Festival of Saint Joan) and is one of the five days all year that the museum is closed. Sad. The holiday also resulted in fireworks being shot off all night about a block away from our hotel room. This resulted in ear plugs.

Because the museum didn't work out, we strolled through a nearby park that led to a full size replica of the Arc de Triomphe. We also sought out a place to buy coral jewelry, as
Dalí's tomb (Figueres, Spain)
the Mediterranean area produces some of the best in the world! There are little carts everywhere selling crepes and waffles with ice cream and syrups...probably influenced by their proximity to France.

The following day we rented a car and began our side trip to France. On the way we stopped in the tiny Spanish city of Figueres, home to one Salvador Dalí and his self-designed museum, Teatro-Museo Dalí. This was quite exciting for me, as Dalí is likely my favorite artist. It housed many of his paintings, his stereoscopic works,
The small fishing town of Cerbère (France)
sculptures, and his jewels, among other things. It's also where he was buried.

We then traversed the countryside and made our way to France. We stopped about a mile or so past the border at our hotel in a small fishing town called Cerbère, that is very much like Avalon on Catalina Island. Last night they had a music festival, which featured several choirs singing by the sea (which we can see out our window). I also had my first bite of an authentic French crepe, filled with butter and sugar...yum.
A traditionally dressed men's folk choir (Cerbère, France)

So it would appear that not many people speak English here, and they don't speak Spanish at all, which makes things interesting. There is also no internet here, which is why your e-mail is delayed. Today we leave to go to another seaside town near the wine country, called Argelès-sur-Mer, where we will have internet once again! When you receive this e-mail, you will know that we have arrived.

Au Revoir,

K & S

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