November 4, 2011

Magical Belly Button Buddies

So the other day I was at Vons.  On my way out, I saw this:

It's one of those crane machines where you try to win stuffed animals but can't because it's rigged.  Who even carries quarters anymore, anyway?  It seemed really awesome and exciting, mostly because it looks like the animals are flying out at you and because they incorporate the word "magical".  Naturally, I decided this was the best thing ever.  I took a picture of it and sent it to my sister.  The following conversation pretty much sums up what is going on with these magical belly button buddies:

Sister: Hahaha what?  What do they do?  Have buttons in their tummies?

Me: They are magical, can't you read?

Sister: Yes, but what do they do that is magical???


Sister: Oh.

(end scene)

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