September 11, 2011

More from Madrid

Inner Courtyard, Palacio Real (Madrid, Spain)
June 16, 2011 

Today is day 3 in Madrid. We have yet to overcome jetlag, and can't fall asleep at a reasonable hour...which results in us waking up at noon. This isn't that bad, since the sun doesn't set until 10 pm, and the city is all hustle and bustle since the locals start eating dinner around 9 pm.

Yesterday we went to the royal palace, where Spanish royalty of yore has resided. We did a self guided tour. My favorites were the throne room, the porcelain room (the entire room was made out of porcelain!), and the royal pharmacy (basically an outdated chemistry lab). The current king lives in a more "modest" castle on the outskirts of Madrid.

Paella and sangria at the Plaza Mayor (Madrid, Spain)
 We also went to the Museo de Reina Sofia, which is Spain's national modern art museum. We saw many a Picasso, Dalí, and Miró, among others. The highlight was Picasso's famous painting, "Guernica".

For dinner we sat in the Plaza Mayor at a typical outdoor European cafe. We had a seafood paella and sangria! Jamón (ham) is everywhere, but it's not like at home. It's typically cured and sliced thin, so it's more like prosciutto...and delicioso!

Surprisingly my Spanish is coming back to me, and between the two of us we know enough to talk to people in Spanish in order to get food, directions, etc.

If you want updates, Husband S is posting a couple of iPhone photos every day on his Facebook page (they also pop up on my page). We are also available for skyping when we return to the hotel at night, which is morning for you guys. We had a successful skype with Sister M last night. My skype name is *****, if you feel the urge!

Today we are off to the Prado, which is Spain's equivalent of the Louvre or the Met...a world famous museum. Afterwards we intend to do a tapas bar run, followed by churros con chocolate!

Hasta Luego,

K & S

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