October 18, 2011

French France

Taking a dip in the Mediterranean (Argelès-sur-Mer, France)
June 27, 2011

I forgot to write last night! We are still in France in the seaside town of Argelès-sur-Mer. Yesterday we went to the beach to take a dip in the Mediterranean. The sand is quite rocky and hard on the feet, but the water is slightly warmer and much cleaner than back home.

We've eaten many crepes, and somehow they are always perfect. Everywhere in France seems to sell crepes! Oddly, almost every restaurant is a pizza restaurant, and we have decided that French pizza is not good. 

American sandwich, found only in France (Argelès-sur-Mer, France)
They also have a lot of places trying to sell "American" food. We ordered a hot dog, which was set inside a hollowed out baguette. The baguettes here are awesome...can't say the same for their hot dogs. A very popular food item is the "American sandwich", which is a baguette filled with fries and meat (either steak or hamburger patties)...I don't know about you but I have never eaten nor seen this in America. It's very strange.
French hot dog, inside a hollow baguette (Argelès-sur-Mer, France)
Luckily, France is not as obsessed with jamón as Spain, and they have plentiful fruit markets and various vegetables and salads. Yesterday for breakfast I had a baguette with jam, which seems to be standard. Baguettes (and crepes!) are everywhere!

We are in wine country (though I'm not sure if any part of France is not wine country). As soon as we crossed the border into France, the hillsides were covered with grape vines. We are staying at a hotel that used to be a wine
The vineyards at Chateau Valmy (Argelès-sur-Mer, France)
cottage, and it's kind of in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by grapes. It's the nicest place we've stayed so far, but also one of the cheapest! This morning we are going to do a bit of wine tasting, and hope to bring back a bit of the Languedoc-Rousillon region.

Today we head back to Barcelona, and tomorrow we fly home. :-(

Hope to see you all soon!

K & S

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