September 8, 2011

Hola from Madrid!

Jamón tostas, croquettes, and Spanish beer!
My husband and I recently went to Spain and wee bit of France for about 2.5 weeks.  Approximately every other day, I wrote my friends and family in the style of a travel journal to describe my experiences.  This was inspired by my grandmother's travel journals, but hers were very much more meticulous and she traveled all over the world.  I decided to post mine here in the interesting blog, starting with our arrival (the shortest of the notes).  My mother is currently typing up my grandmother's handwritten journals, so eventually those will be up as well and you can enjoy a journey back in time!

June 14, 2011


We have made it safely and are currently in our air conditioned hotel in downtown. This is important because it is very hot outside! There is a bidet in the bathroom, which Husband S is looking up online for proper etiquette. We are going to explore for "dinner" even though it is 8 am back home. Hopefully we can fall asleep after that and avoid jetlag.


K & S

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