September 29, 2011

The Latest from Sevilla

Iberian meats with manchego viejo (Madrid, Spain)
June 19, 2011

Hey all,

Before heading to Sevilla, we decided to get a giant plate of Iberian cured meats (jamón, chorizo, sausage, lomo) and we had our first taste of Spanish cheese, manchego viejo. That cheese was amazing!

We took our second ride on the high speed rail to Sevilla, across endless fields of sunflowers, corn, and olive trees. Spain is known for their olives, so we have tried eating them...but we are decidedly not olive people.

Sevilla itself is very different than Madrid. There are less people, smaller streets, and the architecture is very African from the time of the Moors. Everything
The largest cathedral in Spain (Sevilla, Spain)
is very colorful! There is a giant cathedral here (Spain's largest), which features a large bell tower that rings quite often. Today we visited the Alcázar, which is a Moorish style castle/palace. It was quite picturesque, and is apparently still used today for certain political events. The entire city is super beautiful, and we've seen at least four wedding parties taking pictures at the cathedral and the Alcázar.

For lunch we grabbed some bocadillos, which are basically baguette sandwiches. Husband S had a jamón and queso bocadillo, while I had a tortilla bocadillo. A tortilla in Spain is actually a potato omelette, and there is no such thing as a Mexican tortilla here. People here eat bread
A plaza at the Alcázar (Sevilla, Spain)
with everything, which is fine with me because all of the bread is amazing! For dinner we had more paella in a plaza surrounded by orange trees. There are orange trees literally everywhere, and falling oranges have become quite common and startling. Fresh squeezed orange juice is served at every single restaurant...and it's delicious!

We walked down to their famous shopping area but everything is closed on Sunday. We window shopped in preparation for tomorrow morning. On our way back we stopped by the "Metropol Parasol" which is brand new, and now the largest wooden structure in the world. It cost 90 million euros to build, and we found many people camped out under the structure in protest.

Metropol Parasol, the largest wooden structure in the world (Sevilla, Spain)

It was approximately 10 million degrees Celsius outside today, so I bought a cheap fan off the street to keep myself cool.

We decided to culture ourselves, so this evening we took in a flamenco show at a local flamenco club, Los Gallos. It was pretty fantastic...Ole! Sevilla is where flamenco originated. Sevilla is also home to bull fighting, so we wandered around their bull fighting arena. We did
Outside the matador arena (Sevilla, Spain)
not see a fight, because we thought that watching someone kill a bull would be depressing.

Anyway, tomorrow we head to Granada via regular slow train. Our internet in Granada will not be as reliable, but when we have it we'll be on Skype and try to post pics on Facebook. Join us next time as the adventure continues!

Adios muchachos!

K & S

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