September 7, 2011

Two Down, One in Limbo

So time has passed, and I am still dealing with bills from February 2010.  Yikes.

Updates continuing from the last post:

Pathology Lab:  Success!  They finally did everything properly and Blue Shield paid them.  However, after passing the task off to my husband, it took three strongly worded phone calls to the pathology lab themselves after they kept sending us $800 bills every month or so.

Specialist:  Success!  A similar tale to that of the pathology lab.  It took a while, including many persuasive phone calls to the inept billing staff, but they did it.  Unbelievable.

Hospital:  Still unfinished business here, folks.  They actually never contacted me.  I had to contact them, because I was becoming nervous at what sort of bill collectors may be showing up at my door due to mysterious bills that I had never received or paid.  When the situation was explained to their billing department, they were surprised to see that this fiasco had been neglected for so long.  It would seem that I had just slipped through the cracks of bureaucracy, and had simply been forgotten in time.  They had long ago billed UHC, and simply needed to send Blue Shield a copy of the explanation of benefits along with a bill.  They seemed to understand turns out all is now in "progress", but a quick check-up on the billing personnel at the hospital revealed that Blue Shield had informed them that it would take six months to consider their bill.  Really?  Six months to decide if you want to pay your bills?  I should be the one sending bill collectors after you, Blue Shield.  I especially thought this time delay was strange, considering that both the pathology lab and the specialist had been paid in a timely manner once their respective billing departments got their acts together.  However, being completely jaded with ineptitude from every direction, I'm just going with the flow.  We'll see if a ginormous bill shows up at my door.

Things I have done in the time it has taken for these bills to be rectified:
1) Planned my wedding
2) Got married
3) Changed my name
4) Wrote my Ph.D. dissertation and graduated with said Ph.D.
5) Spent three weeks in Europe
6) Moved 200 miles away
7) Got a new job

Apparently, I've been more productive than certain other people.

I don't have much more to talk about in terms of my health care debacles, but I will continue writing interesting things.  Don't worry.

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